Wednesday 16 January 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

The saying is true. It applies to poker, if you leave off it a while, you'll find your desire to play - and just play for the fun of playing - grows substantially.

Not that I'm stopping playing, I love it still.

However the saying does also apply to food, or I'm hoping it will. I've agreed to take part in a bet which involves not eating until 1pm this Saturday. We started at 1am last night, after wolfing down an awesome pizza, to give us some energy reserves. This is going to be hard, I've never managed probably a few hours without snacking on crisps or something or other. Already I'm feeling like I could probably do with some cereal.

It will be a test of will power and body parts and metabolism. I hope my body is good at using up sugar and fat from places like my ass, cause it'll probably have to, and soon!

Anyway, if you dont hear from me, it could be that I've died from starvation. Or it could be that I'm busy. Either way, for more information, refer to Scotts blog (link in a previous post) for details of the Bet and how we are faring.

I hope I win.

Best regards, Kensteroony.


Anonymous said...

Scott will cheat.

You shouldn't have had the pizza before bed, because I'll bet a pound to a penny you were STARVING when you woke up this morning.

Blogs are gay.

scotty2hatty said...

You seem to have me tagged as dishonest Dom?! There is no way I'd ever cheat. Going to have the supplies at the ready for Saturday!

The Kenster said...

nope, the pizza kept me going all day. In fact i thought I was going to be sick at various points in the morning. That feeling possibly helped me.

Anonymous said...

Ah. I usually feel more hungry when I wake up if I've eaten before bed, than if I've not eaten before bed.

I don't really think you're dishonest Scott, you homosexual.