Sunday, 20 January 2008

Faith, Hope and Charity

So, two days ago I was prattling on about getting gold membership to see what it is like. It looks like I'll be able to get it no bother, so when I'll do I'll tell you all about it.
I'm back up to $1k, which is where I want to be. I had enough Faith in myself, to reverse that withdrawal and work my little way back into goodness.

I've also decided to play in a big tournament: the €100k guaranteed on Pokerheaven tonight. Costs about $190 and should be great fun. I set myself and passed a challenge today to win a couple of buy-ins to pay for it, so dont worry I'm not breaking any rules(although I am for mtt bankrolling, but thats neither here nor there.) I really Hope that I do well in it, because the payouts are bound to be amazing.
But, I have terrible MTT patience, and I'm probably not gonna get anywhere, so the chips I give for free will be like Charity to these people.

Ahhh see the title becomes clear. Amazing.

Until next time, shawalawaladingdong kanichidooda.

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